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Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou Science and Technology clusters rank 2nd in 2020 Global Innovation Inde

发布时间:    浏览量: 8492   来源: 海内外资讯
Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou S&T clusters kept its 2nd place among the top 100 list in theGlobal Innovation Index (GII) 2020, after the merger of the two previously distinct clusters, a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) report showed. 

(Screenshot of the GII Cover by WIPO)
According to the report released Wednesday, this enlarged 2nd-ranked clusters, with noticeable growth in patents and scientific publications, has narrowed its gap between Tokyo-Yokohama, the first-placed cluster in the list.

Top 100 cluster rankings (Screenshot from the ‘Special Section: Cluster Rankings” of GII, p. 44)
When it comes to the number of patent applications, Guangdong businesses are well-matched by universities in the province. Based on the WIPO’s Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Yearly Review2020, Huawei came out as the leading applicant for three consecutive years with 4,411 patent application in 2019s, while OPPO and Ping An Technology held the 5th and 8th position respectively.
Guangdong companies like Huawei, Ping An, and Wechat received a ranking of 9th, 10th and 19th respectively regarding their brand value. Among the Top 5,000 most-valuable brands in the World, 408 are Chinese brands with a total market value of 16 trillion US dollars, 9 of which are on the world’s Top 25 brands list.
Shenzhen University and South China University of Technology are the top listed academic institutions ranking 3rd and 5th among international patent applicants. In terms of the scientific publications, Sun Yat-Sen University makes the most contributions among other institutions.
This year, Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou clusters have cemented their 2nd position and continue to be followed by Seoul, Beijing, and San Jose-San Francisco.
Author | Fanny
Editor | Jerry
上一篇:2021"Chengdu Talent Cup"Talents Innovation and Competition (Asia Pacific) Held to Fantastic Fanfare

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