原来只是简单的知道赛珍珠这个人,对她的具体情况并不是很清楚,通过这次参访,知道了赛珍珠的不少事,她是一个美国人,却在中国生活了很久,也有很多至朋好友,她为中美两国的民间交流做了大量的工作,贡献了很多很多。 赛珍珠童年的大部分时光都是在镇江度过的,我们共同走进的这座建筑——赛珍珠故居位于镇江城西登云山顶部(润州山路6号),建于十九世纪末,青砖木制结构的二层楼房,至今保存完好。建筑面积共计423.24平方米。故居周围绿荫环绕,环境清幽,雅致优美,为镇江市城市山林特色名胜古迹之一。
S. Pearl Buck spends most of her childhood life in the city of ZhenJiang. Now we are walking into her house at the top of DengYun hill (#6 RunZhou Shan Road) --- a two storied building constructed with brick and wood in the end of the 19th century and preserved well until today. The construction area totaled 423.24 square meters surrounded by greenery to create a graceful, peaceful and elegant environment featuring one of the culture relics in the city forest ZhenJiang.
In the year 1990 ZhenJiang city government and Tempe administration jointed contribution to have it repaired. The house was open for public admiration in 1992 and was announced as one of the object for the 5th culture preservation plan under the provincial government in 2002. Then in 2012 the house became one of the international culture exchange bases accredited by local administration for the first time. The Pearl Buck House is the only well preserved foreigner’s private residence and the first of the kind to open for international admiration. Now the house affiliate itself to the City Museum. 赛珍珠故居客厅的坐椅、沙发、茶几等家具,都是产于中国内地,由当地工匠精雕细刻制成的。故居内的陈设,是我们根据赛珍珠作品中的有关记载,穿插了对赛珍珠及家人的介绍而布置的。
The chairs, sofa, tea table and all the other furniture in the Pearl Buck’s House are made exquisitely by local arts and craftsmen. The interior layout and decoration is designed according to the description in Pearl Buck’s works adding brief introduction to herself and her relatives.
The most precious article in the parlor is the Harmonium which was a present from Pearl buck’s uncle and later became part of her mother Kelly’s life. The harmonium traveled for six months all the way from Mediterranean to China. How excited Kelly was when she received the present from her brother. The harmonium accompany her during her bumpy life in SuZhou, YanTai, JianPu and so on finally settled down in ZhenJiang in the spring of 1896. (Regrettably the original one is nowhere to find and the present one is imitated) 这是赛珍珠的奶妈——王妈的卧室。她与赛家共同生活了十八年,对赛珍珠影响很大。
This is the sleeping room for Pearl buck’s nurse Wang. She lived with Pearl buck’s family for 18 years and exerted great influence on S. Pearl buck herself.
This is the portrait of S. Pearl Buck’s Chinese teacher Mr. Kong. Mr. Kong was born in BeiJing, a XiuCai (scholar) in ex-Qing dynasty, and served as Pearl buck’s tutor in her childhood. He taught Pearl Buck Chinese culture and also exerted great influence on her. Pearl Buck’s great attachment to China and deep interests in Chinese culture can not be separated from her childhood education.
This is the dining room. On the table we display pickled vegetable and ingredients which had been Pearl Buck’s favor. For example HengShun Vinegar, preserved capsella bursa pastoris which give clear and fresh feeling in the taste. The preserved eggs, ZongZi, baked roll of HeiQiao style all comes to S. pearl buck’s favor. 在故居二楼宽阔的楼梯口,陈列的是一件非常珍贵的建筑构件——吊灯挂钩。各位请仔细观察,在挂钩的盖片上,清晰地铸造着“1872”字样。应当是最早到达镇江的传教士使用的。
In the spacious entrance to the stair case displaces a precious building component---the hook to the pendant lamp. As we can see clearly from the cover the casted number 1872 it should be used by the earliest churchmen to the city of ZhenJiang.
We are coming into the sleeping room of S. Pearl Buck. She was born June 26th 1892 in a Christian family in the West Virginia and got her name from the Bible. “The value of talented and moral female excels pearl.” “The value of wisdom excels pearl.” For which her father named her after Pearl. 1896年春天,他们举家迁到了中国镇江,先居住在润州山的一个传教士大院。1900年首次回美国探亲,1902年再次回到镇江。1909年赛珍珠回美国攻读大学,1914年获伦道夫•梅康女子学院文学学士学位后,重返镇江。一边照顾疾病缠身的母亲,一边任教于润州中学和崇实女子学校。这时,她就居住在这幢楼房。1917年,赛珍珠与布克博士举行婚礼,随后,随夫迁居安徽宿县五年。此后,他的父母仍居住在这里,1921年10月19日,不幸的凯丽在这里走完了她的人生历程,安葬在镇江云台山麓的白人公墓,赛兆祥则随赛珍珠迁居南京。从1922年—1935年,赛珍珠女士大部分时间居住在南京。在此期间。她完成了《东风•西风》、《母亲》、《大地》、《儿子们》、《分家》、《异邦客》、《战斗的天使》等作品,一举成名。1938年,创作的《大地》,由于“对中国农民生活史诗般的描述,这描述是真切而取材丰富的,以及她在传记方面的杰作”,使她荣膺1938年诺贝尔文学奖。1934年与布克感情破裂,离开中国,回美国定居,结束了她在中国三十余年的生活旅程。
In the spring of 1896 the Pearl Buck’s family move to ZhenJiang and firstly settled down in a church yard on top of the DengYun hill. They went back to see their family in U.S.A in 1900 and came back again in 1902. In the year 1909 Pearl Buck went back America to receive university education. In 1914 S. Pearl Buck got bachelor’s degree of arts from Randolph Mescan Women’s academy and return to ZhenJiang. She taught in CongShi Girls middle school while taking care of her ill inflicted mother. That time she quartered in this building. In 1917 S. Pearl Buck married Dr. Buck then she accompanied her husband to live in city SuQian AnHui province for 5 years. From that year on her parents still remain here and on 19th October 1921 the unfortunate Kelly walked to the end of her life then buried on the slope of mount YunTai in the cemetery for the whites. Sydensrticker moved to NanJing alone with S. Pearl Buck. From 1922 to 1935 lady S. Pearl Buck spent most of her time in NanJing during which time she finished several of her works among them are , ,, ,< A house divided>,, etc. which win her immediate fame. In 1938 her work won the Nobel price for arts of the year for “Its poetry description of Chinese peasantry life and the description are real and sufficient as well as her outstanding achievements in biography writing.” In 1934 she lost her affection to Buck departed China and went back to America ending her more than 30 year life experiences in China. 赛珍珠作为一位诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,拥有最丰富的就是书了。这第一组书架上的这四十部作品,是《赛珍珠传》的作者彼德·康委托“赛珍珠国际”赠送给故居的。赛珍珠一生写作了一百余部作品,被翻译成多种文字,有些作品多次再版,这里陈列的只是其中很少的一部分。
As the Nobel price winner for arts the richest possession of S. Pearl buck are books. The 40 volumes on the first bookshelf was contributed by the author of Peter Corn. S. Pearl Buck completed more than a hundred works during her life time which were translated into many different languages and some of those were published time and again. Here we display only a small proportion.
This is the place where S. Pearl Buck met her close friends. Displayed on the table are her favorites with which she treated her visitors. Among them are peanuts, barley sugar etc. On the antique shelf displays her favorite Chinese porcelains and ceramics.
Here we come into the sleeping room of Sydenstricker and Kelly. Sydenstricher, Pearl Buck’s father, contributed himself without hesitation to his Christian missionary work in spite of all the difficulties, setbacks and dangerous with his devotion and perseverance. Sydenstricker lived poor life and struggled in China for 51 years. He passed away in 1931 at his 80th and was buried on GuLing mountain ridge of mount LuShan JiangXi province. 这里陈列的拜垫和宗教用品,就是赛兆祥祷告时使用的。赛兆祥和凯丽新婚后不久从1880年即踏上了到中国传教的漫漫征途。他们先后到过中国的上海、杭州、苏州、镇江、烟台、清江浦等地,最后定居镇江,他们最早居住的润州山住宅已不存在了。现在的这幢楼房是他们后来在镇江的居所。是教会为他们建造的。
The cushion and religious articles displayed here were used by Sydenstricker in his preach time. Sydenstricker and Kelly set off their long journey to China in 1880 shortly after their marriage. They successively went to ShangHai, HangZhou, SuZhou, ZhenJiang, YanTai, QingJiangPu and other places finally settled down in the city of ZhenJiang. Their early residence on RunZhouShan hill can not be found now and the present building is their quarter later on, which was constructed by the church.
The home land of China provides S. Pearl Buck good earth for her literature creation. Chinese people developed Pearl Buck great affection toward life. The principal of S. Pearl Buck’s graduation school Mescan women’s academy said so after his visit to the Pearl Buck’s House: “Today the delegation of Randolph Mescan women’s academy come to this house to feel Pearl Buck’s day in China. We all contribute ourselves to the spread of friendship between oriental and occidental. S. Pearl buck set up a very good example for us.”
In closing please let me quote J.R Langille’s words: “This is the most profound and unforgettable visit. It recalled my early happy memories. Thank you for the repair of this most beautiful and most significant residence.”
原来只是简单的知道赛珍珠这个人,对她的具体情况并不是很清楚,通过这次参访,知道了赛珍珠的不少事,她是一个美国人,却在中国生活了很久,也有很多至朋好友,她为中美两国的民间交流做了大量的工作,贡献了很多很多。 赛珍珠童年的大部分时光都是在镇江度过的,我们共同走进的这座建筑——赛珍珠故居位于镇江城西登云山顶部(润州山路6号),建于十九世纪末,青砖木制结构的二层楼房,至今保存完好。建筑面积共计423.24平方米。故居周围绿荫环绕,环境清幽,雅致优美,为镇江市城市山林特色名胜古迹之一。
S. Pearl Buck spends most of her childhood life in the city of ZhenJiang. Now we are walking into her house at the top of DengYun hill (#6 RunZhou Shan Road) --- a two storied building constructed with brick and wood in the end of the 19th century and preserved well until today. The construction area totaled 423.24 square meters surrounded by greenery to create a graceful, peaceful and elegant environment featuring one of the culture relics in the city forest ZhenJiang.
In the year 1990 ZhenJiang city government and Tempe administration jointed contribution to have it repaired. The house was open for public admiration in 1992 and was announced as one of the object for the 5th culture preservation plan under the provincial government in 2002. Then in 2012 the house became one of the international culture exchange bases accredited by local administration for the first time. The Pearl Buck House is the only well preserved foreigner’s private residence and the first of the kind to open for international admiration. Now the house affiliate itself to the City Museum. 赛珍珠故居客厅的坐椅、沙发、茶几等家具,都是产于中国内地,由当地工匠精雕细刻制成的。故居内的陈设,是我们根据赛珍珠作品中的有关记载,穿插了对赛珍珠及家人的介绍而布置的。
The chairs, sofa, tea table and all the other furniture in the Pearl Buck’s House are made exquisitely by local arts and craftsmen. The interior layout and decoration is designed according to the description in Pearl Buck’s works adding brief introduction to herself and her relatives.
The most precious article in the parlor is the Harmonium which was a present from Pearl buck’s uncle and later became part of her mother Kelly’s life. The harmonium traveled for six months all the way from Mediterranean to China. How excited Kelly was when she received the present from her brother. The harmonium accompany her during her bumpy life in SuZhou, YanTai, JianPu and so on finally settled down in ZhenJiang in the spring of 1896. (Regrettably the original one is nowhere to find and the present one is imitated) 这是赛珍珠的奶妈——王妈的卧室。她与赛家共同生活了十八年,对赛珍珠影响很大。
This is the sleeping room for Pearl buck’s nurse Wang. She lived with Pearl buck’s family for 18 years and exerted great influence on S. Pearl buck herself.
This is the portrait of S. Pearl Buck’s Chinese teacher Mr. Kong. Mr. Kong was born in BeiJing, a XiuCai (scholar) in ex-Qing dynasty, and served as Pearl buck’s tutor in her childhood. He taught Pearl Buck Chinese culture and also exerted great influence on her. Pearl Buck’s great attachment to China and deep interests in Chinese culture can not be separated from her childhood education.
This is the dining room. On the table we display pickled vegetable and ingredients which had been Pearl Buck’s favor. For example HengShun Vinegar, preserved capsella bursa pastoris which give clear and fresh feeling in the taste. The preserved eggs, ZongZi, baked roll of HeiQiao style all comes to S. pearl buck’s favor. 在故居二楼宽阔的楼梯口,陈列的是一件非常珍贵的建筑构件——吊灯挂钩。各位请仔细观察,在挂钩的盖片上,清晰地铸造着“1872”字样。应当是最早到达镇江的传教士使用的。
In the spacious entrance to the stair case displaces a precious building component---the hook to the pendant lamp. As we can see clearly from the cover the casted number 1872 it should be used by the earliest churchmen to the city of ZhenJiang.
We are coming into the sleeping room of S. Pearl Buck. She was born June 26th 1892 in a Christian family in the West Virginia and got her name from the Bible. “The value of talented and moral female excels pearl.” “The value of wisdom excels pearl.” For which her father named her after Pearl. 1896年春天,他们举家迁到了中国镇江,先居住在润州山的一个传教士大院。1900年首次回美国探亲,1902年再次回到镇江。1909年赛珍珠回美国攻读大学,1914年获伦道夫•梅康女子学院文学学士学位后,重返镇江。一边照顾疾病缠身的母亲,一边任教于润州中学和崇实女子学校。这时,她就居住在这幢楼房。1917年,赛珍珠与布克博士举行婚礼,随后,随夫迁居安徽宿县五年。此后,他的父母仍居住在这里,1921年10月19日,不幸的凯丽在这里走完了她的人生历程,安葬在镇江云台山麓的白人公墓,赛兆祥则随赛珍珠迁居南京。从1922年—1935年,赛珍珠女士大部分时间居住在南京。在此期间。她完成了《东风•西风》、《母亲》、《大地》、《儿子们》、《分家》、《异邦客》、《战斗的天使》等作品,一举成名。1938年,创作的《大地》,由于“对中国农民生活史诗般的描述,这描述是真切而取材丰富的,以及她在传记方面的杰作”,使她荣膺1938年诺贝尔文学奖。1934年与布克感情破裂,离开中国,回美国定居,结束了她在中国三十余年的生活旅程。
In the spring of 1896 the Pearl Buck’s family move to ZhenJiang and firstly settled down in a church yard on top of the DengYun hill. They went back to see their family in U.S.A in 1900 and came back again in 1902. In the year 1909 Pearl Buck went back America to receive university education. In 1914 S. Pearl Buck got bachelor’s degree of arts from Randolph Mescan Women’s academy and return to ZhenJiang. She taught in CongShi Girls middle school while taking care of her ill inflicted mother. That time she quartered in this building. In 1917 S. Pearl Buck married Dr. Buck then she accompanied her husband to live in city SuQian AnHui province for 5 years. From that year on her parents still remain here and on 19th October 1921 the unfortunate Kelly walked to the end of her life then buried on the slope of mount YunTai in the cemetery for the whites. Sydensrticker moved to NanJing alone with S. Pearl Buck. From 1922 to 1935 lady S. Pearl Buck spent most of her time in NanJing during which time she finished several of her works among them are , ,, ,< A house divided>,, etc. which win her immediate fame. In 1938 her work won the Nobel price for arts of the year for “Its poetry description of Chinese peasantry life and the description are real and sufficient as well as her outstanding achievements in biography writing.” In 1934 she lost her affection to Buck departed China and went back to America ending her more than 30 year life experiences in China. 赛珍珠作为一位诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,拥有最丰富的就是书了。这第一组书架上的这四十部作品,是《赛珍珠传》的作者彼德·康委托“赛珍珠国际”赠送给故居的。赛珍珠一生写作了一百余部作品,被翻译成多种文字,有些作品多次再版,这里陈列的只是其中很少的一部分。
As the Nobel price winner for arts the richest possession of S. Pearl buck are books. The 40 volumes on the first bookshelf was contributed by the author of Peter Corn. S. Pearl Buck completed more than a hundred works during her life time which were translated into many different languages and some of those were published time and again. Here we display only a small proportion.
This is the place where S. Pearl Buck met her close friends. Displayed on the table are her favorites with which she treated her visitors. Among them are peanuts, barley sugar etc. On the antique shelf displays her favorite Chinese porcelains and ceramics.
Here we come into the sleeping room of Sydenstricker and Kelly. Sydenstricher, Pearl Buck’s father, contributed himself without hesitation to his Christian missionary work in spite of all the difficulties, setbacks and dangerous with his devotion and perseverance. Sydenstricker lived poor life and struggled in China for 51 years. He passed away in 1931 at his 80th and was buried on GuLing mountain ridge of mount LuShan JiangXi province. 这里陈列的拜垫和宗教用品,就是赛兆祥祷告时使用的。赛兆祥和凯丽新婚后不久从1880年即踏上了到中国传教的漫漫征途。他们先后到过中国的上海、杭州、苏州、镇江、烟台、清江浦等地,最后定居镇江,他们最早居住的润州山住宅已不存在了。现在的这幢楼房是他们后来在镇江的居所。是教会为他们建造的。
The cushion and religious articles displayed here were used by Sydenstricker in his preach time. Sydenstricker and Kelly set off their long journey to China in 1880 shortly after their marriage. They successively went to ShangHai, HangZhou, SuZhou, ZhenJiang, YanTai, QingJiangPu and other places finally settled down in the city of ZhenJiang. Their early residence on RunZhouShan hill can not be found now and the present building is their quarter later on, which was constructed by the church.
The home land of China provides S. Pearl Buck good earth for her literature creation. Chinese people developed Pearl Buck great affection toward life. The principal of S. Pearl Buck’s graduation school Mescan women’s academy said so after his visit to the Pearl Buck’s House: “Today the delegation of Randolph Mescan women’s academy come to this house to feel Pearl Buck’s day in China. We all contribute ourselves to the spread of friendship between oriental and occidental. S. Pearl buck set up a very good example for us.”
In closing please let me quote J.R Langille’s words: “This is the most profound and unforgettable visit. It recalled my early happy memories. Thank you for the repair of this most beautiful and most significant residence.”