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发布时间:    浏览量: 13435   来源: 投资海南


Bilingual ReleaseGlobal Quality MigrantPolices | Hainan Free Trade Port Residence Permit Support for Global Talents



ⅠResidence Permit Support.


   1.ResidencePermits for High-level Talents and Talents in Urgent Need. High-level technicaland management personnel needed in key areas and industries in Hainan,specialists in urgent need and members from sci-tech innovation teams can applyfor a long-term visa (within 5 years) or residence permit according to relevantregulations.


  2.Residencepermits for household service personnel. Foreign household service personnelhired by high-level foreign talents can apply for a residence permit withguarantee document, employment contract and other materials.


  3.Residencepermits for technical personnel.Foreign technical personnel working in Hainanincluding chefs in high-end hotels, medical staff at Boao Lecheng InternationalMedical-Care and Tourist Demonstration Zone can apply for a residence permitwith a same duration as the duration of the work contract.


  4.Residencepermits for international students. Foreign students who have obtained a master’sdegree or above in Chinese higher education institutions can apply for aresidence permit within 2 years with recommendation from the institutions theystudy in, given that they run innovative or start-up businesses in Hainan.


  5.Residencepermits for patients and accompanying family members. Patients and theiraccompanying family members can    applyfor a visa or residence permit with a duration equal to the medical serviceperiod by providing medical documents issued by medical institutions in Hainan.


Ⅱ Permanent Residence


  1.High-leveltechnical and management personnel needed in key areas and industries inHainan, specialists in urgent need and members from sci-tech innovation teamscan apply for permanent residence permit with their spouse and underagechildren with recommondation from the human resource department of Hainan.


   2.Technicalpersonnel can apply for a permanent residence permit in Hainan in accordancewith relevant regulations.


 3.OverseasChinese who have a doctoral degree and work in Hainan, or who have been workingcontinuously in Hainan for 4 years and have lived in Hainan for at least 6months each year, can apply for permanent residence, together with their spouseand underage children.


  4.Foreigninvestors who currently invest in innovative enterprises in Hainan, have stableinvestment and performing tax records for 3 consecutive years can apply forpermanent residence with the recommendation from the People’s Government ofHainan Province.


  5. Foreignerswho have worked continuously in Hainan for 4 years, with annual salaries andpersonal income tax meeting local standards, can apply for permanent residence.


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