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(马来西亚海内外传媒集团记者、海内外杂志社记者、海内外资讯社记者、国际华文媒体联盟记者联合报道)由中国侨联指导、海南省侨联主办的“追梦中华·走进海南自贸港”2020 海外华文媒体采风行活动于 9 月22日走进海南三亚崖州湾科技城参访,来自马来西亚、加拿大、美国、英国、匈牙利、阿根廷、中国香港等地的海外华文媒体,以及中央电视总台、人民日报海外版、海外网、光明日报、中国侨网等共15家海内外媒体在海南省侨联秘书长李诚等各级侨联领导的带领下参加了本次采风活动。



Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology Town is located in the west of Sanya Municipality, adjacent to Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone and Daxiao Dongtian Scenic Zone and with a planning area of 26.1 square kilometers. It is mainly composed of five parts, namely, the South China Seed Breeding Town, the Deep Sea Science and Technology Town, the University Town, Nanshan Port and the Global Animal and Plant Germplasm Resources Transfer Base (in short, “one port, three towns, and one base”). As one of the 12 pioneering projects in Hainan Province, Yazhou Bay Science and Technology Town is built upon the framework of “world vision, international standards, Sanya characteristics, high-end positioning”, and is committed to becoming a new science and technology town connecting the land and the sea that is open and innovative, industrially prosperous, cultural confident, green and energy-saving.


The planning area of the South China Seed Breeding Town is 4.02 square kilometers. It centers around the technology industry of South China breeding and is mainly involved in six aspects, namely, animal and plant breeding technology, international seed trade, germplasm resource property right transaction, ecological soil fertilizer, seed industry intellectual property right transaction and tropical agricultural science. It is committed to building an industrialized, market-oriented, specialized and intensive National South China Breeding Scientific Research Base and National Tropical Agricultural Science Center with a nation-wide reach.


The planning area of the Deep Sea Science and Technology Town is about 5.39 square kilometers. It centers around the marine science and technology industry and is mainly involved in three areas, namely deep sea technology, marine industry and modern service. Regarding deep-sea science and technology, the town’s focus is deep sea equipment, materials and communications; regarding the marine industry, the focus is marine vessels, engineering equipment and public services; regarding modern services, the focus is on exhibition, financial and commerce services. The town will vigorously explore such fields as deep sea farming, artificial reefs and marine ecological protection.


The planning area of Nanshan Port is about 2.76 square kilometers. It is one of the basic projects that Sanya launches to optimize urban layout and improve the urban environment. It is also an indispensable part of Yazhou Bay Science and Technology Town and an important precondition for the Deep Sea Science and Technology Town. In light of the demand proposed by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited and the Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, the Chinese Academy of Sciences for port coastline and land, the planning coastline (including the existing coastline) runs in total 7,165 linear metres, forming a land area (including existing land area) of 2.76 square kilometers. Further planning will be carried out to adapt to the new developments ahead and promote the coordination of the port and Sanya city.


The planning area of the University Town is about 4.54 square kilometers. It is centered on the marine and agricultural scientific research industry and is supported by high-level scientific research institutes and institutions of higher education in the University Town. The University Town focuses on combining the academic, industrial, and research efforts concerning deep sea and South China breeding science and technology, specifically, education and scientific research, public services for R&D, and platforms for incubation and commercialization of innovative enterprise.


The planning area for the introduction and transfer base of global animal and plant germplasm resources is about 0.5 square kilometers. The base will introduce animal, plant and microbial germplasm resources from all over the world and is capable of such functions as inspection and quarantine, strategic reserve, industrial application and international trade transactions. It will become part of the framework for enhancing Hainan’s free trade innovation, shoring up the core competitiveness of the industry and making China’s germplasm resources more competitive internationally.


The Sanya Municipal Government and Party Committee value the construction of Yazhou Bay Science and Technology Town and has set up a bureau for administering it, a special-purpose agency under the municipal government charged with such tasks, e.g. operating and managing the town, attracting investment, and seeking institutional innovation. It is geared towards creating a business-friendly environment, aims to be precise, efficient and convenient, and has designed a one-stop streamlined approval service process that enables approval matters to be handled efficiently. At present, it has signed agreements with more than 10 key enterprises, research institutes and universities such as China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Ocean University of China and Long Ping High-Tech. Some projects have started construction at the end of 2018, and another 35 projects are planned to start in 2019. In the future, the town will be home to a large number of research institutes, enterprises and universities in the field of South China breeding and deep sea.


In the early stage of planning, Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology Town already adopted the people-centered approach, striving to make itself a better place for people to live, work and learn. The town is working hard to create a life service cycle that people in the community can reach within 15 minutes and provide an all-encompassing service system including service for education, culture, medical care, pension, sports, leisure, employment and entrepreneurship, ensuring that all types of talents can work and live with ease and do not have to worry about anything else.


Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology Town is an important manifestation of President Xi Jinping’s speech on April 13th, 2018 and the NO. 12 Document of the Central Committee (instructions on Hainan’s comprehensively deepening reform and opening up). It also is an important move to implement the innovation-driven development strategy, demonstrating the bold and pioneering spirit of the Sanya Municipal Government and Party Committee in reform and innovation. By improving its top-level design, promoting institutional innovation, integrating quality resources and bringing into play the talent pooling effect, the town will contribute to Sanya’s high-quality economic development and Hainan’s endeavors of the Free Trade Pilot Zone and the free trade port with Chinese characteristics.


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